Supreme 90 Day Workout Calendar: The Ultimate Guide

90 Day Supreme Workout Schedule Printable Calendar 20212022
90 Day Supreme Workout Schedule Printable Calendar 20212022 from


Are you looking for a workout program that can give you the body of your dreams? Look no further than the Supreme 90 Day Workout Calendar. This program promises to help you lose weight, build muscle, and improve your overall fitness in just 90 days. But does it really work? In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the Supreme 90 Day Workout Calendar and answer all your burning questions.

What is the Supreme 90 Day Workout Calendar?

The Supreme 90 Day Workout Calendar is a 90-day fitness program that includes a series of high-intensity workouts designed to help you burn fat, build muscle, and improve your overall fitness level. It was created by fitness expert Tom Holland and promises to deliver results in just three months.

How does it work?

The program consists of 10 DVDs, each featuring a different workout. The workouts range from 30 to 50 minutes and include a combination of strength training, cardio, and plyometrics. The program also includes a nutrition guide to help you eat a healthy, balanced diet while you work out.

What are the benefits of the Supreme 90 Day Workout Calendar?

The benefits of this program are numerous. First and foremost, it can help you lose weight and build muscle, which can improve your overall health and well-being. Additionally, it can help you improve your cardiovascular fitness, endurance, and flexibility. Finally, it can help you boost your confidence and self-esteem, as you see the results of your hard work.

Is it suitable for beginners?

The Supreme 90 Day Workout Calendar is suitable for people of all fitness levels, including beginners. The workouts are designed to be challenging but doable, and you can modify them to fit your fitness level. However, if you have any health concerns or injuries, it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise program.

What equipment do you need?

You don’t need a lot of equipment to do the Supreme 90 Day Workout Calendar. The program recommends using dumbbells, a resistance band, and a stability ball, but you can also use household items like water bottles or cans of soup in place of dumbbells. Additionally, you’ll need a mat or towel for some of the exercises.

What are some tips for success?

If you want to get the most out of the Supreme 90 Day Workout Calendar, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Stay consistent – try to do the workouts every day, or at least five days a week
  • Push yourself – the workouts are designed to be challenging, so don’t be afraid to push yourself to your limits
  • Eat a healthy diet – the nutrition guide is an important part of the program, so be sure to follow it as closely as possible
  • Stay hydrated – be sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workouts
  • Get plenty of rest – your body needs time to recover, so be sure to get plenty of sleep and take rest days when needed

What are some common mistakes to avoid?

While the Supreme 90 Day Workout Calendar is a great program, there are some common mistakes that people make that can hinder their progress. Here are some mistakes to avoid:

  • Skipping workouts – consistency is key when it comes to seeing results, so try to do the workouts as often as possible
  • Not following the nutrition guide – what you eat is just as important as how you work out, so be sure to follow the nutrition guide closely
  • Not modifying the workouts – if a workout is too challenging or causes pain, be sure to modify it or skip it altogether
  • Pushing too hard – while it’s important to push yourself, don’t overdo it. Listen to your body and take breaks when needed

What are some success stories?

There are many success stories from people who have completed the Supreme 90 Day Workout Calendar. Here are a few examples:

  • Samantha lost 40 pounds and gained muscle tone and strength
  • John improved his endurance and lost 20 pounds
  • Amy improved her overall fitness level and gained confidence in her body


The Supreme 90 Day Workout Calendar is a challenging but rewarding program that can help you achieve your fitness goals. With a combination of high-intensity workouts and a healthy diet, you can lose weight, build muscle, and improve your overall fitness level in just 90 days. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, this program is worth a try.

Question and Answer

Q: How much does the Supreme 90 Day Workout Calendar cost?

A: The cost of the program varies depending on where you buy it. You can find it on Amazon for around $30.

Q: Can I do the workouts at home or do I need to go to a gym?

A: You can do the workouts at home – all you need is a small amount of space and some basic equipment.

Q: Is the program suitable for people with injuries or health concerns?

A: It’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any injuries or health concerns. However, the program is designed to be adaptable and you can modify the workouts to fit your needs.

Q: What happens after the 90 days are over?

A: After the 90 days, you can continue to do the workouts or switch to a different program. The key is to keep challenging yourself and staying consistent with your workouts and nutrition.

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