How To Merge Canvas Calendar With Google Calendar In 2023

How To Merge Canvas Calendar With Google Calendar
How To Merge Canvas Calendar With Google Calendar from


Canvas is a popular Learning Management System (LMS) used by many educational institutions. It has a built-in calendar that helps students and teachers keep track of important dates such as assignments, exams, and deadlines. However, many people prefer to use Google Calendar as their primary calendar. In this article, we will show you how to merge your Canvas calendar with Google Calendar in 2023.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Export Your Canvas Calendar

The first thing you need to do is export your Canvas calendar. To do this, go to your Canvas calendar and click on the “Calendar Feed” button. This will generate a link to your calendar feed. Copy this link.

Step 2: Import Your Canvas Calendar into Google Calendar

Next, go to your Google Calendar and click on the “Settings” icon in the top right corner. From the dropdown menu, select “Settings”.

In the left sidebar, click on “Import & Export”. Under “Import”, click on “Select file from your computer” and select the file you downloaded in Step 1. Then, click on “Import”.

Your Canvas calendar events should now appear in your Google Calendar.

Step 3: Sync Your Google Calendar with Your Mobile Device

If you want to access your merged calendar on your mobile device, you need to sync your Google Calendar with your device’s calendar. The steps to do this vary depending on your device, but generally involve adding your Google account to your device’s settings and selecting which calendars to sync.


Q: Can I merge multiple Canvas calendars with my Google Calendar?

A: Yes, you can export multiple Canvas calendars and import them into your Google Calendar. However, make sure you don’t have any conflicting events or duplicate events.

Q: Will my Canvas calendar events update automatically in my Google Calendar?

A: No, you need to manually export your Canvas calendar and import it into your Google Calendar to update the events.

Q: Can I still access my Canvas calendar after merging it with my Google Calendar?

A: Yes, you can still access your Canvas calendar within Canvas. However, any changes you make to your Canvas calendar won’t automatically update in your Google Calendar.


Merging your Canvas calendar with your Google Calendar can help you stay organized and make sure you never miss an important event. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily merge your calendars and start enjoying the benefits of a combined calendar.

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