Create Calendar In Google Sheets: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Create a Calendar in Google Sheets
How to Create a Calendar in Google Sheets from


Google Sheets is an excellent tool for creating calendars to help you organize your schedule. With its user-friendly interface and diverse functionalities, you can create a calendar that suits your needs. In this article, we will guide you through the steps of creating a calendar in Google Sheets.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Create a New Spreadsheet

Open Google Sheets and click on “Blank” to create a new spreadsheet. Name your file and save it.

Step 2: Create and Format Table

Click on the first cell of your spreadsheet and drag your cursor to select all the cells where you want to create your calendar. Format your cells by clicking on “Format” and choosing “Number” and then “Date.” Select your preferred date and time format.

Step 3: Add Dates and Days of the Week

Enter the dates of the month in the first row of your table. In the cells below the dates, enter the corresponding days of the week.

Step 4: Add Events to Your Calendar

Enter your events in the corresponding cells of your table. You can also format the cells to highlight your events. Click on “Format” and choose “Conditional formatting” to change the background color of your cells.

Step 5: Customize Your Calendar

You can customize your calendar by adding images, colors, and borders. Click on “Insert” and choose “Image” to add an image. Click on “Format” and choose “Cell borders” to add borders to your table. You can also change the font style and size.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to help you create a calendar in Google Sheets:

  • Use formulas to automate your calendar. For example, you can use the “WEEKDAY” formula to automatically fill in the days of the week.
  • Use conditional formatting to highlight important events.
  • Use the “FILTER” formula to create a dynamic calendar that only shows events for a specific date or time period.

Question and Answer

Q: How do I share my calendar with others?

A: To share your calendar with others, click on “File” and choose “Share.” Enter the email addresses of the people you want to share your calendar with. You can also choose the level of access you want to give them.

Q: Can I sync my Google Sheets calendar with my Google Calendar?

A: Yes, you can sync your Google Sheets calendar with your Google Calendar. Click on “File” and choose “Download” and then “Google Calendar.” This will export your calendar to your Google Calendar.


Creating a calendar in Google Sheets is an easy and effective way to organize your schedule. By following these steps and tips, you can create a customized calendar that suits your needs. Happy scheduling!

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